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Cialis Soft

Active component:Tadalafil
Availability:In Stock
Price: $ 0.99 per pill

Generic Cialis Soft is the medicine that combines two main characteristics important for treating male impotence (Erectile Dysfunction): fast acting and prolonged effect. You can take the medicine in the morning and be ready for the right moment during that day, evening or even during the next day.

Manufacturer: Aurochem Pharmaceuticals(I)Pvt Ltd, Centurion Laboratories, Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., Sunrise Remedies

Cialis Soft: Tadalafil Soft Tablets (Aurochem Pharmaceuticals(I)Pvt Ltd), Vidalista CT (Centurion Laboratories), Tadalista CT (Fortune Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.), Tadasoft (Sunrise Remedies)

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