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Active component:Vardenafil
Availability:In Stock
Price: $ 1.04 per pill

Vardenafil was first released in 2003 under the brand name Levitra® designed by Bayer. Since that time, the medicine quickly gained popularity among men and even became a favorite medical agent of many "professional users" - adult movie actors. Why should we recommend to buy an Indian brand made by Centurion Laboratories, Vilitra®, but not Levitra®? The answer is simple - Levitra® has a sky-high price, which far exceeds the median budget of the average European man. And Vilitra® does not differ from its counterpart either in composition or in effect, but the price is up to 15 times smaller. What these drugs have in common are good therapeutic properties, a high level of safety and a mild effect.

Manufacturer: Centurion Laboratories Ltd.

Vilitra: Vilitra (Centurion Laboratories Ltd.)


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