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Fildena® Professional

Active component:Sildenafil Citrate
Availability:In Stock
Price: $ 2.55 per pill

Fildena® Professional is easy to consume as it is a sublingual medicine. Parent ingredient in sublingual tablets, Sildenafil Citrate 100mg is a premium category drug, which improves sexual performance and abilities by losing arterial strains and enhancing quality of blood flow in penile region. Consume a sublingual tablet by placing it below the tongue without water or high fat meals. The medicine than dissolved in mouth and get mixed in blood stream. Consume medicine 30 minutes before intercourse in presence of stimulation. Sublingual medicine, Fildena® Professional actively stays in blood stream for about 4 to 6 hours.

Manufacturer: Fortune Health Care Ltd

Fildena Professional: Fildena® Professional (Fortune Health Care Ltd)


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